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Welcome to the Clear Treasury API.

With international payments being a daily necessity for many, we have developed our online payments platform to dramatically streamline the process.

Our aim is to make the Clear Treasury API as simple as possible for you to integrate into your process, product or software.

API access

Every call to the Clear Treasury API requires an authorization token that needs to be set in the header of every call.

Auth Token

Use your provided login credentials to access our back-office system and generate an authorization token.

The Token is valid for 6 months.

The resulting authorization token must then be sent in an Authorization header in every request.

Regenerating a token

Use your provided login credentials to access our back-office system and generate a new authorization token.


curl -X GET \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx"

Once you have your authorization token, add it as a bearer token in an Authorization header to every request.

Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx


A client is a person or institution that has trades and payments associated to them.


Before you're able to act on behalf of a client you will need to create one first.

Create a client

Create a new client in order to operate on their behalf.

Example request:

curl -X POST \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{
          "trader": "<your trader id>",
          "type": "CORPORATE",
          "name": "TEST Company Ltd",
          "address1": "TEST Company HQ",
          "postcode": "AA1 1AA",
          "city": "London",
          "country": "England",
          "company_number": "01234567",
          "company_sic": "64999",
          "web": "",
          "email": "",
          "countries_of_interest_beneficiaries": [ "GB", "US" ],
          "countries_of_interest_remitters": [ "GB", "US" ],
          "currency_of_interest": [ "GBP", "USD" ],
          "reason": "Making an investment",
          "language": "<your provided language>",
          "contact_list": [
              "first_name": "Test",
              "last_name": "Tester",
              "address1": "Tester House",
              "city": "London",
              "country": "England",
              "post_code": "BB2 2BB",
              "date_of_birth": "19700101",
              "email": "",
              "mobile_phone": "+447712345678",
              "telephone": "+441234567890"

Example response:

    "ClientName": "TEST Company name",
    "ClientRef": "C00000001",
    "ContactFirstName": "Test",
    "ContactLastName": "Tester",
    "Status": "New"


POST /clients

Name Description Required Type Additional information
trader Your trader account ID Yes string This will be provided to you at signup
type The type of client Yes string "CORPORATE" or "PRIVATE"
name Client's name No string Company name for CORPORATE client
address1 Address line 1 No string None
address2 Address line 2 No string None
address3 Address line 3 No string None
city City No string None
country Country No string None
postcode Postcode No string None
web Website No string None
email Email No string None
fax Fax number No string None
switchboard Switchboard extension No string None
ip IP address No string None
company_number Company number No string None
company_sic Company SIC code No string None
company_vat Company VAT number No string None
country_of_incorporation Country of incorporation No string None
legal_status Legal status No string None
trading_as_name Trading as name No string None
trading_address1 Trading address line 1 No string None
trading_address2 Trading address line 2 No string None
trading_address3 Trading address line 3 No string None
trading_city Trading city No string None
trading_country Trading country No string None
trading_postcode Trading postcode No string None
countries_of_interest_beneficiaries The countries of the client's beneficiaries No Collection of string None
countries_of_interest_remitters The countries of the client's remitters No Collection of string None
currency_of_interest The countries the client wants to trade No Collection of string None
expiry_date Client expiry date No string None
regulator_name Name of the client's regulator No string None
source Source No string None
reason Reason for trading No string None
comment Free text comment No string None
trader_commission Trader's commission No string None
cold_caller Which cold caller made contact with the client No string None
cold_caller_commission Cold caller's commission No string None
web_commission No string None
activity No string None
language Your parent company's identifier within our system No string This will be provided to you at signup
group_industry No string None
sid No string None
referer No string None
affiliate_reference No string None
non_uk_shareholder No string None
kyc_ccy No string None
kyc_max_volume No string None
kyc_source_of_wealth No string None
kyc_source No string None
kyc_relationship_with_beneficiaries No string None
kyc_nature No string None
kyc_avg_volume No string None
kyc_annual_volume No string None
kyc_frequency No string None
kyc_max_volume No string None
kyc_ccy No string None
kyc_source_of_wealth No string None
kyc_source No string None
kyc_relationship_with_beneficiaries No string None
kyc_json No string None
agree_marketing_conditions No integer 0 or 1
agree_marketing_conditions_affiliate No integer 0 or 1
unsubscribe_emails No string None
contact_list Yes Collection of contact object None

Contact Object

Name Description Required Type Additional information
title Title No string None.
first_name First name Yes string None.
middle_name Middle name Yes string None.
last_name Last name No string None.
date_of_birth Date of birth No string None.
nationality Nationality No string None.
job_title Job title No string None.
address1 Address line 1 No string None.
address2 Address line 2 No string None.
address3 Address line 3 No string None.
city City No string None.
country Country No string None.
post_code Postcode No string None.
email Email address No string None.
fax Fax number No string None.
mobile_phone Mobile phone number No string None.
telephone Telephone number No string None.
web Website No string None.


ClientRef is needed for all future requests when operating as a trader on behalf of a client.

Status determines the client's ability to trade.

A client will automatically be marked as New at the point of creation in the system.
A client cannot trade until their status is Active. A client's status is changed from New to Active after successfully passing our compliance checks.

Name Description Type
ClientName Company name of the client string
ClientRef Unique reference of the client.
This is autogenerated initially but can be updated by you later
ContactFirstName First name of the client's contact string
ContactLastName Last name of the client's contact string
Status Trading status of the client string

List all clients

Retrieve a list of all the clients you have access to.

Example request:

curl -X GET \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

    "ClientName": "TEST Company Ltd",
    "ClientRef": "C00000002",
    "ContactFirstName": "Test",
    "ContactLastName": "Tester",
    "Status": "New"
    "ClientName": "Testing Company PLC",
    "ClientRef": "C00000001",
    "ContactFirstName": "Test",
    "ContactLastName": "Tester",
    "Status": "Active"


GET /clients


Name Description Type
ClientName Company name of the client string
ClientRef Unique reference of the client string
ContactFirstName First name of the client's contact string
ContactLastName Last name of the client's contact string
Status Trading status of the client string

Get a client

Retrieve a single client by client reference.

Example request:

curl -X GET{client_ref} \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

  "ClientName": "TEST Company Ltd",
  "ClientRef": "C00000002",
  "ContactFirstName": "Test",
  "ContactLastName": "Tester",
  "Status": "New"


GET /clients/{client_ref}

Name Description Required Type
client_ref Unique reference of the client Yes string


Name Description Type
ClientName Company name of the client string
ClientRef Unique reference of the client string
ContactFirstName First name of the client's contact string
ContactLastName Last name of the client's contact string
Status Trading status of the client string


There are four steps to executing a trade:

Step 1: Create a quote

Step 2: Book a trade

Step 3: Create a beneficiary

Step 4: Instruct a payment


A quote can be used to create a trade. Quotes expire after 30 seconds. During that time you can refresh the price and the 30 second expiry time will be restarted, renewing its life for another 30 seconds.

Once a quote expires you'll need to place a new quote.

The rate returned is always in the sell-buy direction.

You need the returned quote ID and client_rate as inputs to create a trade in step 2.

Place a Quote

You need to have placed a quote before you can book a trade in step 2.

Example request:

curl -X POST \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{
            "currency_sell": "GBP",
            "currency_buy": "EUR",
            "sell_amount": 500.00,
            "value_date": "20200101",
            "client_ref": "<client reference>"

Example response:

  "ID": "0001",
  "sell_amount": 500.0,
  "buy_amount": 599.85,
  "quote_rate": 1.1997028,
  "value_date": "20200101",
  "currency_buy": "EUR",
  "currency_sell": "GBP",
  "fee_ccy": 0.0,
  "fee": 0.0


POST /quotes

Name Description Required Type Aditional Info
currency_sell The currency the end customer is wanting to sell Yes string ISO 3 letter currency
currency_buy The currency the end customer is wanting to sell Yes string ISO 3 letter currency
sell_amount Amount being sold Yes decimal None
buy_amount Amount being bought Yes decimal None
value_date Date the currency will be bought/sold No string yyyyMMdd format
client_ref Unique reference of the client Yes string None


The quote ID and quote_rate is needed for booking a trade in step 3.

The rate returned is always in the sell/buy direction.

Name Description Type
ID Quote ID string
sell_amount Amount being sold decimal
buy_amount Amount being bought decimal
quote_rate Quote Rate. Always in sell/buy direction decimal
currency_sell Currency beign sold string
currency_buy Currency being bought string
value_date Date that the currency will be bought/sold string
fee Charge amount decimal
fee_ccy Charge Currency decimal

Refreshed the price for a quote

You can request a new price for a previously placed quote.

Quotes expire after 30 seconds. During that time you can refresh the price of a quote to renew its life for another 30 seconds.

Once a quote expires you'll need to place a new quote.

Example request:

curl -X POST{quote_id} \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

  "ID": "0001",
  "sell_amount": 500.0,
  "buy_amount": 599.85,
  "quote_rate": 1.1997028,
  "value_date": "20200101",
  "currency_buy": "EUR",
  "currency_sell": "GBP",
  "fee_ccy": 0.0,
  "fee": 0.0


POST /quotes?quote_id={quote_id}

Name Description Required Type
quote_id Quote ID Yes integer


Name Description Type
ID Quote ID string
sell_amount Sell Amount decimal
buy_amount Sell Amount decimal
client_rate Client Rate decimal
currency_sell Sell Currency string
currency_buy Buy Currency string
value_date yyyyMMdd Date string
fee_ccy Charge Currency decimal
fee Charge amount decimal

Get a placed quote

Get the details of a previously placed quote

Example request:

curl -X GET{quote_id} \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

  "ID": "0001",
  "sell_amount": 500.0,
  "buy_amount": 599.85,
  "quote_rate": 1.1997028,
  "value_date": "20200101",
  "currency_buy": "EUR",
  "currency_sell": "GBP",
  "fee_ccy": 0.0,
  "fee": 0.0


GET /quotes/{quote_id}

Name Description Required Type
quote_id Quote ID Yes integer


Name Description Type
ID Quote ID string
sell_amount Amount being sold decimal
buy_amount Amount being bought decimal
quote_rate Quote Rate. Always in sell/buy direction decimal
currency_sell Currency beign sold string
currency_buy Currency being bought string
value_date Date that the currency will be bought/sold string
fee Charge amount decimal
fee_ccy Charge Currency decimal


There are four steps to executing a trade:

Step 1: Create a quote

Step 2: Book a trade

Step 3: Create a beneficiary

Step 4: Instruct a payment


A beneficiary is a person or institution who is the ultimate recipient of your payment.

You need the returned beneficiary id as an input to instruct a payment in step 4.

Create a beneficiary

Create a new beneficiary in order to instruct a payment to them.

Example request:

curl -X POST \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{
          "account_name": "Bank account",
          "account_number": "01234567",
          "address": "Test bank house",
          "bank_name": "Test bank",
          "currency": "GBP",
          "sort_code": "001122",
          "swift": "AAAAUK12345XXX",
          "country_code": "GB",
          "email": "",
          "beneficiary_address": "Test beneficiary house, Beneton, England",
          "client_ref": "<client reference>"

Example response:

  "message": "Beneficiary added to client's list ",
  "id": 24538


POST /beneficiaries

Name Description Required Type Additional information
client_ref Client reference to associate the beneficiary with Yes string
intermediary SWIFT code of the intermediary bank account No string Max length 50
account_name Bank account name Yes string
account_number Bank account number Yes string
sort_code Bank account sort code No string 6 digits. No spaces or special characters
bankname Bank name No string
address Bank Address No string
swift Bank SWIFT code No string
cnaps CNAPS account number No string
country_code Country code Yes string ISO 2 letter country code
currency Currency No string ISO 3 letter currency code
email Email address No string
ben_address Contact address No string
notes Noteworthy information No string


The id is needed when instructing a payment.

Name Description Type
id Beneficiary ID integer
message Information about the beneficiary creation string

List all beneficiaries

Get a list of beneficiaries you have access to.

Example request:

curl -X GET{client_ref} \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

    "intermediary": "",
    "account_name": "Test bank account",
    "account_number": "94907814",
    "address": "1 Test Bank Avenue, UK, AA1 1AA",
    "bankname": "Test bank",
    "currency": "GBP",
    "notes": "",
    "sort_code": "001122",
    "swift": "AAAAUK12345XXX",
    "country_code": "GB",
    "email": "",
    "ben_address": "1 test road, UK, BB2 2BB",
    "id": "1",
    "client_ref": "<client reference>"


GET /beneficiaries?client_ref={client_ref}

Name Description Required Type
beneficiary_id Unique ID of the beneficiary Yes string


Beneficiary id is needed for booking a trade.

Name Description Type Additional information
intermediary SWIFT code of the intermediary bank account string Max length 50
account_name Bank account name string
account_number Bank account number string
sort_code Bank account sort code string 6 digits. No spaces or special characters
bankname Bank name string
address Bank Address string
swift Bank SWIFT code string
cnaps CNAPS account number string
country_code Country code string ISO 2 letter country code
currency Currency string ISO 3 letter currency code
email Email address string
ben_address Contact address string
notes Noteworthy information string
id Unique ID of the beneficiary string
client_ref Client reference to associate the beneficiary with string

Get a beneficiary

Retrieve a single beneficiary by beneficiary ID.

Example request:

curl -X GET{beneficiary_id} \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

  "client_ref": "C00000001",
  "id": "1",
  "intermediary": "",
  "account_name": "Test bank account",
  "account_number": "01234567",
  "address": "",
  "bankname": "",
  "currency": "GBP",
  "notes": "Added from API 01/01/2020 00:00:00",
  "sort_code": "001122",
  "swift": "AAAAUK12345XXX",
  "country_code": "GB",
  "email": "",
  "ben_address": "",
  "cnaps": ""


GET /beneficiaries/{beneficiary_id}

Name Description Required Type
beneficiary_id Unique ID of the beneficiary Yes string


Name Description Type Additional information
intermediary SWIFT code of the intermediary bank account string Max length 50
account_name Bank account name string
account_number Bank account number string
sort_code Bank account sort code string 6 digits. No spaces or special characters
bankname Bank name string
address Bank Address string
swift Bank SWIFT code string
cnaps CNAPS account number string
country_code Country code string ISO 2 letter country code
currency Currency string ISO 3 letter currency code
email Email address string
ben_address Contact address string
notes Noteworthy information string
id Unique ID of the beneficiary string
client_ref Client reference to associate the beneficiary with string

Book a Trade

There are four steps to executing a trade:

Step 1: Create a quote

Step 2: Book a trade

Step 3: Create a beneficiary

Step 4: Instruct a payment


Trade is a payment order to a beneficiary account based on a quote.

Once created, a trade needs to be funded by the value_date.

Book trade

Book a trade by verifying acceptance of a quote.

Example request:

curl -X POST \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{
          "quote_id": <quote id>,
          "client_ref": "<client reference>",
          "client_rate": <client rate>,
          "quote_rate": <quoted rate>

Example response:

  "ID": 1,
  "trade_ref": "0000001",
  "trade_date": "20200101",
  "value_date": "20200101",
  "currency_bought": "EUR",
  "currency_sold": "GBP",
  "rate": 1.1997028,
  "bought_amount": 599.85,
  "sold_amount": 500.0,
  "payment_fee": 0,
  "trade_type": "Spot",
  "our_account_name": "string",
  "our_bank_name": "string",
  "our_iban": "string",
  "our_sort_code": "string",
  "our_swift_code": "string"


POST /trades

Name Description Type Additional information
quote_id ID of the quote integer None
source_of_funds Where the funds are coming from string None
reason_for_trading Reson for the trade string None
client_ref Unique reference of the client being traded on behalf of string None
client_rate The rate given to the client decimal None
quote_rate The rate of the original quote decimal None


The trade_ref is needed for instructing a payment in step 4.

Name Description Type Additional information
id Unique ID integer None
trade_ref Unique reference integer None
trade_date Date the trade was made string None
value_date Date the currency will be bought or sold string yyyyMMDD format
currency_bought Currency being bought string ISO 3 letter currency code
currency_sold Currency being sold string ISO 3 letter currency code
bought_amount Amount being bought decimal None
sold_amount Amount being sold decimal None
rate Rate of the trade decimal None
payment_fee Payment fee decimal None
trade_type Type of trade string "Spot" or "Forward"
our_account_name Our bank account name string None
our_bank_name Our bank name string None
our_iban Our IBAN string None
our_sort_code Our sort code string None
our_swift_code Our SWIFT code string None
message Information about the trade string None

Payment Instructions

There are four steps to executing a trade:

Step 1: Create a quote

Step 2: Book a trade

Step 3: Create a beneficiary

Step 4: Instruct a payment


This API call is the final step for executing trades.

Instruct a payment

Example request:

curl -X POST \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{
          "beneficiary_id": "<beneficiary id>",
          "trade_ref": "<trade id>",
          "currency": "GBP",
          "amount": "500",
          "purpose": "Making an investment",
          "payment_reference": ""

Example response:

  "PaymentGuid": "<GUID>"


POST /payments?client_ref={client_ref}

Trade reference: If this payment is not linked to a trade leave it blank, or set it to "auto" to attempt to automatically retrieve an available trade.

Name Description Required Type Additional information
client_ref Client reference you're instructing the payment on behalf of Yes string client_ref
beneficiary_id ID of the beneficiary Yes string id
trade_ref Reference of the trade used to instruct this payment Yes string trade_id, "auto", or ""
currency Currency of the payment Yes string ISO 3 letter currency code
amount Amount to be instructed Yes string
purpose Reason for the payment No string
payment_reference Reference to attach to the payment for your records No string


Name Description Type
PaymentGuid The unique ID of the payment string

Get a payment

Get payment instruction by ID

Example request:

curl -X GET{id}?client_ref={{client_ref}} \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

  "beneficiary_id": "2",
  "currency": "GBP",
  "purpose": "Making an investment",
  "fee": "SHA",
  "amount": "200.00",
  "trade_ref": "<trade reference>",
  "payment_guid": "<your GUID>",
  "client_ref": "<client reference>",
  "status": "Pending"


GET /payments/{payment_guid}

Name Description Required Type
payment_guid Unique ID of the payment yes string


Name Description Type
beneficiary_id Beneficiary ID string
currency Currency string
purpose Purpose string
fee Fee string
amount Amount string
trade_ref Trade reference string
payment_guid Payment GUID string
client_ref Client reference string
status Payment status string


Retrieve a Statement

Retrieve a statement for a given currency, optionally filtered by inclusive from and to dates.

Example request:

curl -X GET{ccy}&fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate} \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

    "sDate": "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
    "Ref": "AA00000000",
    "Description": "Currency Bought (GBP) ",
    "Debit": 0.0,
    "Credit": 1000.0,
    "Balance": 1000.0


GET /statement?ccy={ccy}&fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate}client_ref={client_ref}

Name Description Required Type
ccy The currency of the statements to filter by Yes string
fromDate Inclusive from date. In yyyyMMdd format No string
toDate Inclusive to date. In yyyyMMdd format No string
client_ref Client reference when making calls as a trader on behalf of a client No string


Name Description Type
sDate The date of the statement date
Ref The reference of the statement string
Description Whether the currency is being bought or sold and which currency it is string
Debit The amount debited decimal
Credit The amount credited decimal
Balance The balance of the statement decimal

Trade History

List all trades by client

Retrieve a list of all trades made by a client.

Example request:

curl -X GET{client_ref} \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

    "id": 000001,
    "trade_date": "20200130",
    "value_date": "20200130",
    "currency_bought": "EUR",
    "currency_sold": "GBP",
    "client_rate": 1.2994149,
    "bank_rate": 0.0,
    "bought_amount": 416.87,
    "sold_amount": 500.0,
    "payment_fee": 0.0,
    "trade_ref": "A00000000",
    "trade_type": "Spot Trade",
    "status": "FILLED",
    "beneficiary": null,
    "client_ref": "C00000001",
    "instructed_amount": 0.0,
    "received_amount": 0.0,
    "paid_amount": 0.0


GET /trades?client_ref={client_ref}

Name Description Required Type
client_ref Unique reference of client Yes string


Name Description Type
id Trade ID integer
trade_date Date the trade was booked string
value_date Date the currency will be bought/sold string
currency_bought Currency bought string
currency_sold Currency sold string
client_rate Rate agreed with the client decimal
bank_rate Rate given by the bank decimal
bought_amount Amount bought decimal
sold_amount Amount sold decimal
payment_fee Payment fee decimal
trade_ref Reference of the trade string
trade_type Type of trade string
status Trade status string
beneficiary Beneficiary ID string
client_ref Client reference string
instructed_amount Amount instructed decimal
received_amount Amount received decimal
paid_amount Amount paid decimal

Retrieve a Trade list between two dates

Retrieve a list of trades between inclusive from and to dates.

Example request:

curl -X POST{from_date}&to_date={to_date} \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

    "id": 000001,
    "trade_date": "20200130",
    "value_date": "20200130",
    "currency_bought": "EUR",
    "currency_sold": "GBP",
    "client_rate": 1.2994149,
    "bank_rate": 0.0,
    "bought_amount": 416.87,
    "sold_amount": 500.0,
    "payment_fee": 0.0,
    "trade_ref": "A00000000",
    "trade_type": "Spot Trade",
    "status": "FILLED",
    "beneficiary": null,
    "client_ref": "C00000001",
    "instructed_amount": 0.0,
    "received_amount": 0.0,
    "paid_amount": 0.0


GET /trades?from_date={from_date}&to_date={to_date}

Name Description Required Type
from_date From date Yes string
to_date To date Yes string


Name Description Type
id Trade ID integer
trade_date Date the trade was booked string
value_date Date the currency will be bought/sold string
currency_bought Currency bought string
currency_sold Currency sold string
client_rate Rate agreed with the client decimal
bank_rate Rate given by the bank decimal
bought_amount Amount bought decimal
sold_amount Amount sold decimal
payment_fee Payment fee decimal
trade_ref Reference of the trade string
trade_type Type of trade string
status Trade status string
beneficiary Beneficiary ID string
client_ref Client reference string
instructed_amount Amount instructed decimal
received_amount Amount received decimal
paid_amount Amount paid decimal

Get a trade

Retrieve a single trade.

Example request:

curl -X GET{trade_ref} \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

  "id": 000001,
  "trade_date": "20200130",
  "value_date": "20200130",
  "currency_bought": "EUR",
  "currency_sold": "GBP",
  "client_rate": 1.2994149,
  "bank_rate": 0.0,
  "bought_amount": 416.87,
  "sold_amount": 500.0,
  "payment_fee": 0.0,
  "trade_ref": "A00000000",
  "trade_type": "Spot Trade",
  "status": "FILLED",
  "beneficiary": null,
  "client_ref": "C00000001",
  "instructed_amount": 0.0,
  "received_amount": 0.0,
  "paid_amount": 0.0


GET /trades/{trade_ref}

Name Description Required Type
trade_ref Unique reference of the trade Yes string


Name Description Type
id Trade ID integer
trade_date Date the trade was booked string
value_date Date the currency will be bought/sold string
currency_bought Currency bought string
currency_sold Currency sold string
client_rate Rate agreed with the client decimal
bank_rate Rate given by the bank decimal
bought_amount Amount bought decimal
sold_amount Amount sold decimal
payment_fee Payment fee decimal
trade_ref Unique reference of the trade string
trade_type Type of trade string
status Trade status string
beneficiary Beneficiary ID string
client_ref Client reference string
instructed_amount Amount instructed decimal
received_amount Amount received decimal
paid_amount Amount paid decimal


Countries and Currencies

There are certain countries and currencies we don't currently work with.


These are informational read-only endpoints for listing the countries and currencies we accept.

List all countries

List of allowed countries we accept for clients or beneficiaries.

Example request:

curl -X GET \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

    "CountryName": "Afghanistan",
    "ISO2": "AF",
    "ISO3": "AFG",
    "RiskScore": 0.0
    "CountryName": "Albania",
    "ISO2": "AL",
    "ISO3": "ALB",
    "RiskScore": 0.0
    "CountryName": "Zambia",
    "ISO2": "ZM",
    "ISO3": "ZMB",
    "RiskScore": 0.0
    "CountryName": "Zimbabwe",
    "ISO2": "ZW",
    "ISO3": "ZWE",
    "RiskScore": 0.0


GET /countries


Name Description Type
CountryName Full name of the country string
ISO2 2 letter ISO country code string
ISO3 3 letter ISO country code string
RiskScore Compliance risk score for this country decimal

List all currencies

List of allowed currencies we accept for trades and payments.

Example request:

curl -X GET \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'

Example response:

    "CurrencyCode": "GBP",
    "CurrencyName": "Sterling Pounds",
    "CurrencyFractionalName": "Penny",
    "NumberOfDayToDeliver": "0",
    "CutOffTime": "170000"
    "CurrencyCode": "EUR",
    "CurrencyName": "Euro",
    "CurrencyFractionalName": "cent",
    "NumberOfDayToDeliver": "0",
    "CutOffTime": "150000"
    "CurrencyCode": "OMR",
    "CurrencyName": "Omani Rial",
    "CurrencyFractionalName": "OMR",
    "NumberOfDayToDeliver": "1",
    "CutOffTime": "143000"
    "CurrencyCode": "RUB",
    "CurrencyName": "Russian Ruble",
    "CurrencyFractionalName": "kopeyka",
    "NumberOfDayToDeliver": "0",
    "CutOffTime": "000000"


GET /currencies


Name Description Type
CurrencyCode 3 letter ISO country code string
CurrencyName Full name of the currency string
CurrencyFractionalName Name of the fractional currency string
NumberOfDayToDeliver Number of days the currency will take to be delivered string
CutOffTime Time by which a payment needs to be successfully initiated for same-day execution string

Payment methods

Different countries have different details required for making payments to them.


This is an informational read-only endpoint for listing the payment methods for the countries and currencies we accept.

Get payment methods for a country

Retrieve the payment methods of a country.

Example request:

curl -X GET \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <your auth token>'
     -d '{
          "CountryCode": "GB",
          "CCY": "GBP"

Example response:

    "CountryName": "United Kingdom",
    "CCY": "GBP",
    "RequiredField": "(Account Number, SortCode, Beneficiary Address) OR (IBAN, SWIFT)"


GET /paymentmethod

Name Description Type
CountryName The full name of the country string
CCY The currency string
RequiredField Required fields when instructing payments of the requested currency to the country string


Name Description Type
CountryName Full name of the country string
ISO2 2 letter ISO country code string
ISO3 3 letter ISO country code string
RiskScore Compliance risk score for this country decimal


We use common HTTP status codes included in the response header to indicate success or failure.

We follow RFC 7807 - Problem Details for HTTP APIs for formatting our response objects.

HTTP Status Codes

Error Code Meaning
200 OK. Successful request
201 OK. Resource created.
400 Bad Request. The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax.
401 Unauthorized. Your API key is invalid or has expired.
403 Forbidden. You do not have permissions to access the resource.
404 Not Found. The specified resource could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed. You tried to access a resource with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable. You requested a format that isn't JSON.
410 Gone. The value requested has been removed from our servers or has expired.
418 I'm a teapot
429 Too Many Requests. You're requesting too many values! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error. We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable. We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.

Validation Errors

Example Validation Error:

  "Type": "",
  "Title": "Problem creating resource",
  "Status": 400,
  "Detail": "There is a problem creating the resource",
  "Instance": "/error/00000",
  "invalid_params": [
      "name": "param",
      "reason": "Param needs to be supplied"

Data validation or violation of business rules related errors. Response could contain multiple errors.

Authentication Errors

Example Authentication Error:

  "Type": "",
  "Title": "Unauthorized",
  "Status": 401,
  "Detail": "You must be authorized to access this resource"

Your authorization token is either not valid or has expired.

Get in touch with us to to request a new token.

System Errors

Example System Error:

  "Type": "",
  "Title": "Internal Server Error",
  "Status": 500,
  "Detail": "No message available",
  "Instance": "/error/00000"

Something went wrong in our side.

Please contact support quoting the Instance URI.